・ポストプロダクション コーディネーション
撮影・ライティング機材、最適なロケーション、キャスティング、クリエーター、 移動の手配やポストプロダクションまで、必要な事項は全て手配致します。
ニュージーランドは山や森、ビーチ等の大自然が近距離に広がる、 ロケ場所の豊富な国です。限られた時間の中でも、最適なロケ場所を効率良くご案内 することができます。
特にジェリーはアウトドアの経験が豊富なので、安全且つ快適にガイド致します。日本のクルーがニュージーランドで撮影をする場合も、 ニュージーランドのクルーが日本で撮影する場合でも、どちらでもご対応可能です。
流暢な日本語を話し、日本、ニュージーランド両国の文化にも精通したジェリーが、 全ての必要な要望にお応え致します。
Jerry Williams is a photography and film production specialist that works creatively to insure client’s concepts and creative ideas become a reality. With over ten years experience working in between New Zealand and Japan Jerry’s location knowledge and industry connections will deliver you a high quality production service for every job regardless of the budget. Jerry can provide for all aspects of production, including digital equipment and lighting, the best locations, talent, casting, art department, travel, budget, billing and post production.
New Zealand has a wealth of locations, with mountain ranges, scenic beaches and majestical forests all within a stones throw of each other. Jerry’s experience navigating people around locations in New Zealand and Japan means a variety of locations will be at your disposal even with time constraints. With a vast knowledge of the outdoors and guiding experience Jerry can ensure you will get to these locations safely, comfortably and on time.
Jerry’s fluency in Japanese and passion and knowledge of culture means he is the 1st stop for Japanese production teams in New Zealand and foreign production teams in Japan. Working alongside industry specialists not only will all your production needs be meet but you will also get to mix with friendly and interesting locals and eat the best in local cuisine.